Hi and welcome to Jaimefit.com. My name is Jaime Morales. I am a fitness coach and personal trainer as well as a graphic artist on the side. I grew up training for swimming and triathlons and playing tennis since the age of 10 years old. I have coached and trained private clients for over 15 years in New York City. I started my fitness career as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor at Equinox gym for 7 years before continuing on as an independent personal trainer. I have trained many clients with all types of fitness abilities, goals, wants and needs including top CEO’s, high performing clients, stay at home moms and dads, people who play sports, clients with injuries, clients with Parkinson’s disease and, overall, people wanting to establish a consistent health and fitness routine with the goal to look and feel their best at any age.

My mission in life is to help people get strong, lean, fit, flexible, healthy and in shape from the inside out. My holistic approach to transforming mind, body and soul starts with form, practicing good form from the minute the client walks into the session until they complete the session and beyond. This is the type of training and coaching that endures and lasts beyond the hour or few hours spent on physical training during a regular work week.

How do I help people maximize their potential to lose weight, gain lean muscle and reshape full body structures? Simple, with my fitness training technique I invented called ABC. Align, breathe and connect. Align your body by moving, living and breathing with your head above your heart and your heart above your hips. This will open your heart and the rest of your body allowing you to breathe properly during strength, endurance and flexibility exercises to oxygenate deoxygenated body tissues. This flow between aligning and breathing will  connect you with the power of oxygen and the task at hand which is your body, poses and moves. Our workouts will flow from strength training, core training and flexibility training with weights and bodyweight exercises to elicit metabolic conditioning and muscular endurance conditioning within the body. My workouts will make you look and feel like an endurance athlete.

Upon meeting I will ask you all sorts of important questions that will allow me to target your specific needs immediately: How old are you? How do you feel about it? How do you feel about your current level of health and fitness today? What is your nutrition and exercise history? What’s your family history on health, nutrition and exercise? Do you have any acute or chronic injuries? What are some of the roadblocks preventing you from achieving your goals? These and other questions will be addressed before starting your new fitness program.

The workouts and coaching sessions will be intense but manageable. Besides teaching you everything you need to know about breathing, I will also teach you about how to care for your bones, joints and muscles. Our training session, besides completing challenging exercise routines, will be about aligning and realigning misaligned bones, joints and muscles. We will have a plan in place on how to heal and recover from our sessions. Recovering from workouts and learning how to digest food quickly and naturally will be key to our success.

When I train, I train to win. When I coach, I coach to transform. I am here to help anyone who wants to win triathlons, golf tournaments or tennis matches as well as people with musculoskeletal injuries. And of course, train people who want to lose weight, get into a serious fitness routine and get in the best shape of their lives!


FITNESS PROGRAM: This is a 55 minute face-to-face or video session to assess your health and fitness history as well as your fitness goals, potential roadblocks, etc. It will include the assessment, learning my system with demonstrations and a full body muscular strength and endurance workout as well as a comprehensive training plan that will help build a strong and solid fitness foundation. Feel free to email me about an initial over the phone introduction free of charge. Go to the PRICING page for details on cost.

TRAINING SESSIONS: This is a 55 minute face-to-face or video session which includes a warm up, the workout and a cooldown. The workout will be based on your health and fitness goals which typically range from getting a lean and muscular physique during a specific timeframe, healing from chronic musculoskeletal injuries, losing 10-20-30-40 pounds, getting into a regular holistic fitness routine, training for a specific sport like swimming, triathlon, tennis or golf, etc. Each workout will be highly effective without straining the body. You will feel amazing each and every time you finish one of my workouts. Feel free to email me about an initial over the phone introduction free of charge. Go to the PRICING page for details on cost.

TAILORED TRAINING PACKAGES: This is for clients looking for full body transformations based on a deadline. I will work with you and your health practitioners every step of the way to building your dream body. We will first have an initial face-to-face consultation to discuss all of the possible options in achieving this goal, whether that is to gain 10 pounds of muscle before the next summer, win triathlons or strengthen joints that have been chronically injured, neglected, and are now ready to repair and finally heal. The cost of this program will depend on client goals and requirements. Go to the PRICING page for details on cost.

GROUP WORKOUTS: I work with big groups of people looking to get healthy, fit and in shape who have similar interests and goals. I work with businesses looking to keep their employees healthy, fit and sharp in body, mind and heart which always leads to a high level of excellence and productivity within the company. I work with couples getting married who enjoy getting their friends and family involved with their own health and fitness transformations. I work with large groups of people looking to get fit and in shape for any occasion. Feel free to email me about an initial over the phone introduction free of charge. Go to the PRICING page for details on cost.

Website: jaimefit.substack.com Instagram: @gayfitguru Cel: 347.852.4475 Email: jaimefit@me.com